Bifurcated Aloe: Better Ingredients Equals Better Health

This statement by one of the Founding Members of the International Aloe Science Council, Scott McKnight, advocates for the superiority of Bifurcated Aloe Vera, the process used in Apex Health products.

There are two proven methods of how to get the most benefit from the miracle plant,  Aloe Vera:

1) Is to fillet the inner gel and process it into raw material, without the need to “filter” with a charcoal filtration system, resulting in the true statement, “Pure Aloe Vera with nothing filtered out.”

2) Is to process the whole leaf, including retrieving the additional active ingredients that are in the inner gel/core, fully filtering out the non-desired Aloin, while leaving the additional benefits found only in the outer part of the leaf.

The significance of doing these two phases separately, and then joining them together (the Bifurcated process), is that you get the best of both process methods – Bifurcated Aloe Vera.

This unique process of obtaining Bifurcated Aloe Vera produces the most complete and efficacious Aloe Vera in the world. Thus, being awarded a U.S. Patent for processing.