Natural Antifungals

Doug Kaufman of Know the Cause lists natural antifungals on his blog, some of which are: Oregano “Oregano has been used as a spice for thousands of years, and has long been revered for its medicinal qualities. It is referred to as hyssop in the Bible. It is a staple flavor in a variety of…

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The Best Type of Bread to Digest

According to The Nutrition Watchdog there is one type of bread that stands out from all the rest as to easier to digest, better for blood sugar control and more… 3 Reasons THIS Kind of Bread is Healthier to Eat “Bread gets a lot of bashing these days, especially in light of ‘low-carb’ or Paleo…

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Fungus, Bacteria Could Be Lurking In Your Dishwasher

As WEBMD reports — Your dishwasher may get those plates spotless, but it is also probably teeming with bacteria and fungus, a new study suggests. Microbes — from bacteria to viruses to fungi — are everywhere, including within and on the human body. So it’s no surprise, the researchers said, that a kitchen appliance would be…

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