Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh for Health

According to Frankincense, otherwise known as Boswellia, has many health benefits: “Frankincense contains volatil oil and other chemical components such as 13.1% monoterpenes (decanol, α-terpineol, and linalol; esters viz. bornyl acetate, neryl acetate, and geranyl acetate), 1% sesquiterpenes and 42.5% diterpenes. These active chemical compounds provides some health benefits to human health that has…

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GFM A Favorite of our Customers

GFM (Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh) Advanced Formula  is formulated with the World’s Most Bioactive Aloe and is specially made for Inflammation Response. And research suggests the ingredients in GFM Proprietary Blend supports Healthy: -Joint Comfort -Immune System -Bacteria and Virus Response -Blood Sugar Levels -Digestive Track -Respiratory Response -Antioxidant Level. -Provides 20 of the 22 required…

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Health Benefits of Tumeric

Healthline reports the 10 proven health benefits of turmeric or curcumin, including: -Anti-inflammatory -Increases antioxidant capacity in the body -Improved brain function -Heart health -Helps with arthritis pain -Anti-depressant “Turmeric and especially its most active compound curcumin have many scientifically-proven health benefits. It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of…

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