2024 ‘Clean Fifteen’ Fruits and Vegetables

Because we know you care about staying healthy and want to eat the 'cleanest' foods possible, here is information from EWG (Environmental Working Group) which publishes their research for both the annual 'Dirty Dozen' and 'Clean Fifteen' fruits and vegetables, which are happily clean or unhappily 'dirty' of pesticides.

According to EWG, "These 15 items had the lowest amounts of pesticide residues, according to EWG’s analysis of the most recent USDA data. 65% of the clean fifteen samples collected had zero detected pesticides. Only 10% contained 2 or more pesticides." And avocados came in #1!

Click here for their list of the 'Clean Fifteen'.

And you can also sign up to receive their latest 'Dirty Dozen' list on the above page.

Plus, taking care of your gut helps safeguard your health, and our premier product, Aloe Apex, is like insurance for your body. Check that out here.

To your good health!