Best Water Filters – Removing ‘Forever Chemicals’

With Summer approaching, that means we will (and should) be drinking more water. And that means we want to be diligent to drink healthy water, free of pesticides, PFAS, etc. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) is one referral we use for the latest research when it comes to food, water and air safety. In their…

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Spring ‘Cleaning’

Spring is here and with that, for many, that means spring cleaning the house. EWG (Environmental Working Group) has a list of “Safer Sprayers” for Spring Cleaning, to help us sort through the vast array of cleaning products that we have on hand or need to restock. They’ve assembled a “quick and easy list of…

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Paraquat – A toxic weed killer used in the U.S.

According to EWG (Environmental Working Group) – “Paraquat is banned in more than 60 countries, but millions of pounds of paraquat are sprayed in the US every year. Paraquat threatens the people who apply the chemical, those who work on farms, and others who live nearby. Paraquat is primarily used to clear fields before farmers…

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“Dirty Dozen” List – Pesticides in Produce

Each Year EWG (Environmental Working Group) publishes their list of the “Dirty Dozen” pesticides in produce. In 2023 this is what their intensive research found, not just of the ‘Dirty Dozen” but also of the “Clean 15”. See the full list here: EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce | Full List The Shopper’s…

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Glyphosate is Not Safe!

US Right to Know lists some of the findings as regards to recent studies linking diseases to glyphosate, such as: -Cancer -Endocrine disruption & infertility/reproductive concerns -Liver disease -Microbiome disruption -Harmful impact on bees and butterflies The Environmental Working Group reports that — “Despite years of outcry, the EPA has maintained that cancer-linked glyphosate is…

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More Than Ever Our Greatest Success is Your Good Health!

In this time of anxiety over contagious viruses, Apex Health would like to offer some hope and encouragement in this situation. Doctors are pointing out that if your immune system is healthy, you are able to resist viruses. Your body was designed to fight off “invaders” which it does on a continual basis. There are…

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Aloe Vera & Immune System

Facty Health reports: “Aloe vera has been a miracle plant for quite some time. It’s one of the rare beneficial plants that can you can use both externally and internally. It yields the same results with the same efficiency. This wonderful cactus was a staple of ancient American medicine and still is today. It saves…

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Mayo Clinic on Health Benefits of Turmeric

With the launch of Apex Health’s newest product, GFM (Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh), here is what the Mayo Clinic reports on the benefits of Turmeric (the ‘gold’ in GFM: “Can an ancient yellow root spice be good for you? A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows curcumin, an…

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Introducing GFM

Our latest produce, GFM (for Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh) is already being praised by customers for the benefits they are receiving since taking this world-class product. In future posts we will expound on the benefits of each ingredient from scientific and medical sources, but for now familiarize yourself with GFM on our Products page here.

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