Beat the Heat with Aloe Vera

There is a growing awareness, because of the growing body of evidence, that nature does indeed provide amazing health benefits, and most successfully when the elements are in their original state as designed by God. Most are aware that aloe vera gel works wonders as an after sun application, as well as to soothe burns.…

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Best Water Filters – Removing ‘Forever Chemicals’

With Summer approaching, that means we will (and should) be drinking more water. And that means we want to be diligent to drink healthy water, free of pesticides, PFAS, etc. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) is one referral we use for the latest research when it comes to food, water and air safety. In their…

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“Dirty Dozen” List – Pesticides in Produce

Each Year EWG (Environmental Working Group) publishes their list of the “Dirty Dozen” pesticides in produce. In 2023 this is what their intensive research found, not just of the ‘Dirty Dozen” but also of the “Clean 15”. See the full list here: EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce | Full List The Shopper’s…

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Aloe Vera & Immune System

Facty Health reports: “Aloe vera has been a miracle plant for quite some time. It’s one of the rare beneficial plants that can you can use both externally and internally. It yields the same results with the same efficiency. This wonderful cactus was a staple of ancient American medicine and still is today. It saves…

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7 Ways Aloe Vera Reduces Inflammation

Naturally Savvy reports:  “The aloe vera plant has been credited with many health benefits, and its value as a remedy for minor burns and cuts is nearly legendary. But aloe vera also has other gifts, and among them is an ability to reduce inflammation in its many forms, both internally and externally. “Aloe vera fights…

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The Benefits of Aloe Vera Supplements

As reported in The aloe vera plant in pill form has many benefits such as the following: Diabetes “Early studies show that, when ingested, aloe vera assists in lowering blood sugar levels, says the University of Maryland Medical Center. This refers to individuals who have type 2, or adult onset, diabetes.”   Digestive Track…

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Roundup Cancer Risk is Only One Danger

According to Bloomberg Online: “Chemicals giant Bayer AG is reeling after a jury awarded $2 billion in damages to people who say they contracted cancer after years of using Roundup, a popular weed killer manufactured by Bayer subsidiary Monsanto Co. Bayer probably won’t pay out the full $2 billion. But more than 10,000 further cases…

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