Aloe Vera’s Anti-Inflammatory Effects

The U. S. National Library of Medicine in their Abstract on Aloe Vera for Tissue Engineering reports the following as regards to Aloe Vera’s effect on inflammation: “Aloe has been described as having anti-inflammatory effects, wound healing properties, radiation damage repair benefits, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antidiabetic, and antineoplastic activities, hematopoietic stimulation, and antioxidant effects [29,33].…

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Aloe Vera and Cardiovascular Function

As reported in Organic Facts – in “21 Surprising Benefits of Aloe” – one benefit is cardiovascular function: “Aloe vera extract accelerates the supply of blood and purifies it at the same time. This blood accelerates the delivery of oxygen to the organs in the body, thereby maximizing their functionality. Organs like the brain and…

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Boost Your Immune System for Cold and Flu Season

HEALTHY EVERYDAY reports several things you can do during cold and flu season, including having an Aloe Vera plant in your home which filter out common volatile organic compounds (VOCs). “Why did you get the flu last time? Probably because you came in contact with an infected person’s airborne secretions (ew, sorry), or touched an infected…

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Pomegranates – Reduce Risk for Chronic Disease & Inflammation

According to Medical News Today –  There are at least 15 health benefits of pomegranate juice, the most popular Christmas fruit. Here are a few highlights: “Green juice isn’t the only healthy option out there. Adding pomegranate juice to your diet may reduce your risk for chronic disease and inflammation. It’s also a great way to…

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The Best Type of Bread to Digest

According to The Nutrition Watchdog there is one type of bread that stands out from all the rest as to easier to digest, better for blood sugar control and more… 3 Reasons THIS Kind of Bread is Healthier to Eat “Bread gets a lot of bashing these days, especially in light of ‘low-carb’ or Paleo…

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Aloe Vera Effects on Bioavailability of Vitamins

This report from Dr. J. A. Vinson of the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, points to the increased bioavailability of Vitamins C & E when taken with Aloe Vera in the human body. Abstract J.A. Vinson, H. Al Kharrat, L. Andreoli,“ Effect of aloe preparations on the human bioavailability of vitamins C and E.” Phytomed. 12, 760-765…

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Effectiveness of Aloe Vera in Chronic Ulcers

From – Abstract: Aloe Vera is one of the endemic plants in southern Iran, which has been mentioned in the textbooks of Persian medicine since 2500 years ago. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness and cost of Aloe Vera gel with conventional treatments in patients with chronic ulcers. This comparative…

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Healing Power of Aloe Vera for Teeth and Gums

As reported in EurekAlert the health benefits of Aloe Vera for our teeth and gums is documented, and being recommended now by dentists: “The aloe vera plant has a long history of healing power. Its ability to heal burns and cuts and soothe pain has been documented as far back as the 10th century. Legend has it that…

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Aloe-derived Polysaccharides Found Effective in Type 2 Diabetes

More exciting news from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine on the effectiveness of Aloe Vera Polysaccharides for Type 2 Diabetes. As always, the Abstracts are not the easiest to understand but see the bottom line of the findings in italics below; and you can find the link to the…

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